Sunday, 14 November 2010

Diamonds In The Mail Box/Surgery / 1st Brand File

First, I have a surgery on Monday, which includes or will be followed by a skin transplantation therefore I have to go on a short hiatus. Please, please, please wish me luck!

In these not so grand times a big package from Santa arrived, including this beautiful, beautiful pink gold diamond ring.
The whole package, not showing everything here:

He recorded videos, painted a picture went to places that means a lot to us to get souvenirs from there, and got a Omamori, a lucky charm for my health and the surgery from a special shrine. All in all a package of power and love. ;)

I don´t know how he remembered it since I can´t even clearly recall mentioning- but he got it from my favorite jewelery brand-Ponte Vecchio. Named after the famous bridge loaded with jewelery stores in Florence it has a very sweet, female, romantic line- maybe too flashy for some but by nature jewelery should be a bit flashy.
It´s a pretty famous brand in Japan but not that much outside so I´d like to dedicate a blog entry later to introducing them. Rings usually start around 30 000Yen, but they have cheaper stuff too; here´s their website:

Ponte Vecchio package

Close-up, taken badly by me, but you can somehow see the details.

The ring didn´t come simply in it´s package, it was attached to a picture Santa painted for me representing us (therefore the brown and blue eye)holding the ring.

If anyone is interested, the fur hat with the ribbon in the top picture is from Chille Anap.


  1. alles alles gute für die OP! du packst das und ich freu mich wenn du wieder zurück bist. ich drück dir die daumen!

  2. Kukuk,

    der Ring ist einfach sooooo schööööönnn! Echt super niedlich!!

    LG Ann

  3. That's a beautiful ring!
    I hope your operation goes smooth and well and then you will need no more! <33

    I don't how it's even possible, but I was not following this blog with blogger, even though I would swear I already followed it. Blogger...(=_=)


  4. @Nicki:
    Danke, meine Liebe!<3

    Danke! Bin glücklich ihn zu haben. ;)

  5. @Magdalena:
    Thank you so much, honey<3

    Blogger tends to be weird, don´t worry!

    @the solar flare:
    Thank you! Yeah, let´s follow each other!
